6622736154757 Table Football 94,5 x 50 x 68,3 cm 149,00 // // EUR InStock 267270258821 Cyber Monday Night Sale 262182633605 Prosport 262830751877 Table Football Table football 94,5 x 50 x 68,3 cm offers the youngest members of the family a fast-paced and super fun experience in table football. The scoreboards at the ends of the table make it easy to keep track of the game. Handles at the end of the bars ensure a good grip even in the most exciting situations! The table football is easy to assemble and has a compact size, so it doesn't take up much space.
Product details:
- Playing field dimensions: 794mm x 480mm
- Scoreboards at both ends.
- 6 players + goalkeeper/team
- Includes 3 balls
- Bars: chrome-plated steel
- Player material: MDF plastic
Product dimensions:
- Length: 940mm
- Width: 504mm
- Height: 683mm
- Playing field dimensions: 794mm x 480mm
Packaging dimensions:
- Weight: 13kg
- Width: 560mm
- Length: 985mm
- Height: 120mm
Prosport Fruugo3 odoo-stock-master-no-sync table-football add-to-cart // // // // // // // 39585189625989 Default Title 149,00 // InStock Default Title