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Sauna Heaters

Choosing a sauna heater is an enjoyable activity, as the range is extensive and you can often find one that suits your sauna interior.

Now you can find a comprehensive range of electric and wood sauna heaters, as well as sauna rocks at Nordic Prostore.

For example, you will find ready-to-use models, so you can take a sauna at any time, without having to wait for the sauna to heat up. Also available are stylish and modern cage sauna heaters, which create a completely different atmosphere in your sauna with their large and visible stone capacity. Also traditional wood sauna heaters, perfect for cottages or detached houses, for example!

Order your new sauna heater from us now and we offer free delivery!


Frequently asked questions about electric sauna heaters

What are electric sauna heaters and how do they work?

Electric sauna heaters are devices that are used to heat up a sauna. They heat up rocks or special heating elements, which then radiate heat and produce steam in the sauna.

What are the benefits of using an electric sauna heater?

The usage of an electric sauna heater has numerous advantages, including energy efficiency, reliable and even heat generation, durability, and ease of use and maintenance.

What factors should I take into account while selecting an electric sauna heater?

You should take your sauna's size and required heating power into account when choosing an electric sauna heater. You should also think about whether you prefer fixed or separate control. In order for the heater to complement the aesthetic of your sauna, its design and style are also crucial. The heater's construction materials, such as stainless steel, should also be taken into account because they may affect the heater's overall quality and durability.

Is it possible to use electric sauna heaters in any size sauna?

A variety of power options for electric sauna heaters are available to accommodate various sauna sizes. Make sure the heater you select has the right amount of power for the size of your sauna.

How should my electric sauna heater be maintained?

To maintain your electric sauna heater, you should follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper use and maintenance, clean the heater frequently to get rid of any dirt or debris, check the electrical connections and wiring frequently to make sure they are secure and working properly, and replace any damaged or worn parts as necessary.