6599574814853 Viking Discs Rucksack Pro 79,90 // // EUR InStock 267270258821 Cyber Monday Night Sale 191534399621 Disc Golf Bags 192646512773 Outdoor & Leisure 615173849419 Singles' Day 165901303941 Special Offers 191414370437 Viking Discs Rucksack Pro is Viking Discs' latest full-blooded and very versatile disc golf backpack at a competitive price! The backpack is sturdy and sits on your back really comfortably. The backpack can easily hold more than 20 discs in it. The front main disc pocket can easily accommodate 15 discs and the putter pocket on top of the backpack sucks up up to 4 putters inside. In addition to these pockets, you will find two zippered pockets on both sides of the backpack, two zippered pockets on the top and a net storage compartment on the front! There are also places for drinking bottles on both sides.
Material: Polyester
- Length: 37cm
- Height: 41cm
- Width: 22cm
- Weight: 1,67kg
99,90 Viking Discs discgolf-bag Fruugo3 odoo-stock-master-no-sync viking discs add-to-cart // // // // // // // // // 39510537044101 Default Title 79,90 99,90 // InStock Default Title