5170390401157 Kuura Activity Tracker A3 49,90 // // EUR OutOfStock 192646545541 Electronics 262182076549 Kuura The A3 activity tracker helps you understand your health and listen to your body better. The ergonomic wristband made of TBU material feels soft and comfortable on the skin.
The Kuura Activity Tracker A3 activity wristband helps you increase your activity and progress in exercise. Heart rate measurement allows you to monitor heart rate zones, blood pressure and oxygen uptake during exercise (Note: not suitable as medical indicators). With this waterproof activity bracelet, you can also easily monitor your daily calorie consumption. With sleep tracking, you know how much you sleep at night and what your sleep quality is. The activity bracelet also has a vibrating alarm function. Combined with the phone app, the activity strap vibrates for incoming messages, calls, and notifications. The activity strap allows you to control the music on your phone during your workout. Kuura activity wristband has a USB head that allows it to be easily charged on a computer or using a charging head. With an hour of charging, the activity wristband lasts about 7-10 days. The wristband can be connected to the phone via Bluetooth, and includes its own phone application. Display: 0.96 ”/ 80 * 160 pixels and battery 90mAh. 79,90 Kuura christmas2021 Fruugo3 kuura odoo-stock-master-no-sync smart-watch spring sale // // // // // // // // // // 34601777397893 Black 49,90 79,90 // OutOfStock Black 34601777430661 Pink 29,90 79,90 // OutOfStock Pink 34601777463429 Red 29,90 79,90 // OutOfStock Red