6627957735557 Viking Discs Ground Sack 39,90 // // EUR InStock 267270258821 Cyber Monday Night Sale 191413059717 Disc Golf 191534399621 Disc Golf Bags 192646512773 Outdoor & Leisure 191414370437 Viking Discs The Ground Sack is an excellent choice for the hobbyist's bag. It holds 10 discs and keeps them neatly organized. Plus, there's a dedicated putter pocket on the front. One end of the bag has a water bottle compartment and the other has a large pocket for your carry-on items.
- Weight: 510g
- Length: 26cm
- Width: 18cm
- Height: 24cm
Viking Discs discgolf discgolf-bag frisbeegolf Fruugo3 odoo-stock-master-no-sync vikingdiscs add-to-cart 39604855570565 Default Title 39,90 // InStock Default Title